A $4 additional fee will be applied to any account when paid by credit card.  This is simply an effort to keep costs and rates down, as credit card vendor fees continue to climb.  The fee will be charged on your next statement.

Also know, that your payment is due every month to avoid disconnection and service fees. All accounts with a balance greater than $100 are subject to disconnection. Reconnection fees are in excess of $400.

Your septic system is not designed to handle grease, food waste, paper towels, sanitary products, or other foreign objects. If your system fails due to this issue, you will be held responsible for repairs ($2,100+/-).

Pay My Sewer Bill

Repair line:  252-542-9348

Billing info: 252-926-9281 
Email:        engsandist@gmail.com

Board:        Jo Ann Spencer, Chairperson
              Jay Eakes, Vice-Chair
              Beadie Gibbs, Secretary
              Tommy Etheridge, Treasurer
              Charles Gibbs, Manager
Operators:    Allen Bliven, WW-2, SI
              James Bliven, WW-4, SI